Global Energy Independence Day was on Sunday, July 10th, and serves as a reminder of both our dependence on fossil fuels and the solution that can be found in alternative fuels. When we think about alternative fuel sources, we often consider wind, solar, geothermal, or other renewable resources. Hazardous waste doesn’t always come to mind, but it’s an important piece of industrial waste management that shouldn’t be overlooked. While waste-to-energy facilities are common in the residential waste industry, fuel blending is a unique process in the industrial waste sector that creates a viable alternative energy source.
What is fuel blending? It’s a process where hazardous materials, such as liquid/solidified paints, chemicals, etc., that otherwise may go to landfill or incineration, are blended into a fuel source that can be used by cement kilns. Once the waste has been processed into a fuel that meets the specifications required for a cement kiln, it can be used as alternative to traditional, non-renewable fuels like coal and natural gas. This can reduce waste disposal costs for a facility and help facilitate a company’s sustainability initiatives. This is one of the primary ways Heritage manages hazardous waste for our customers – in 2021 we diverted nearly 47,000 tons of waste from being landfilled/incinerated and instead turned it into a viable alternative fuel source via fuel blending.
If you’re interested in exploring fuel blending as an option for your facility, get in touch with one of our sales representatives here.
Learn about our January community engagement initiative
Heritage Environmental Services announced today that Chris Ebeling will join the organization as Chief Commercial Officer.
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This year, through collective effort and heartfelt generosity, we sponsored 727 wreaths and transported two truckloads of wreaths across the country.
Heritage Environmental Services announced today that Rachel Evans will join the organization as Chief Human Resources Officer.
Celebrate Teresa Wade's legacy at Heritage Environmental and her dedication to Wreaths Across America. Learn her story and how you can honor veterans
Learn about lead decontamination, disposal processes, and join us in creating a lead-free future.