For over a decade, the US EPA, states, industry and related stakeholders have had a mutual interest in developing a national electronic manifest system that would facilitate the electronic transmission of the uniform manifest form and make the use of the uniform manifest much more cost-effective and convenient for users [source].
In our newest whitepaper, Heritage Corporate Compliance Program Manager, Terry Ferrill, will walk you through several topics relating to the new system. These topics include the cost of implementation, the centralized system, regulations concerning paper vs. electronic, e-signatures, data security and accessibility, and mail elimination, among others.
If you would like to receive a copy of this new Whitepaper simply click this link E-Manifest Final Rule Whitepaper and you’ll be taken to the download form. Also, if there are any other regulatory issues you would like us to write about please let us know in the comments section!
Terry Ferrill has been in the environmental and hazardous waste business at Heritage for nearly 30 years. Mr. Ferrill has held positions within Heritage as a consultant, business analyst, and hazardous waste facility compliance manager. He currently works in Heritage’s corporate compliance department, where he specializes in regulatory research to support internal business development and assist customers with thorny compliance issues.
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